Our Vision
Perryfields Enterprise Trust has at its core the pursuit of the highest standards possible in education. We believe in high aspirations, high motivation and high achievement for all.
Our driving principles are underpinned with values and mind-sets which will build character, confidence, a collaborative spirit and a caring attitude:
Perseverance and Resilience
Excellence and Effort
Achievement for All
Trust and Collaboration
Why join us?
We are led by an outstanding school which has consistently produced excellent academic standards over a number of years. We are confident in our ability to cascade our vision of holistic provision and our relentless culture of high expectations to schools within our locality and beyond.
Through a collaborative and consistent approach which is driven by Perryfields teaching approach, PEAT will:
• provide all pupils with an innovative and enterprising education that raises aspirations for all and develops resilient, creative and happy learners.
• create a culture of high expectations of teaching and learning, resulting in outstanding practice/learning throughout the trust
• provide the opportunities to develop leadership skills through school to school support. Identify and train Specialist Leaders in Education (SLE’s) who will ensure high quality subject leadership and maximise its impact across the trust
• provide a structured and rigorous programme of development which ensures that all staff are confident proactive and skilled practitioners who are able to deliver excellence.
We are committed to to developing a ‘growing model’, whereby all PEAT schools actively support each other and share emergent and best practice for everyone’s benefit whilst celebrating their distinct identities within our trust.